Сторінка 2 із 5
Наукові статті, надруковані у закордонних виданнях:
- Azimov O., Dorofey Y., Lyalko V., Yakovlev Y. Estimation of the areal upward hydrogeomigration and risks of underground water polluting in the process of unconventional hydrocarbons extraction [Електронний ресурс] // Archives / EAGE. – Режим доступу: http://www.earthdoc.org/publication/publicationdetails/?publication=84611.
- Bunina A., Azimov O., Stankevich S., Dorofey Y., Chepurnoy V. Integration between the remote sensing of the Earth data and geological–geophysical studies for polymetallic ore prospecting [Електронний ресурс] // Archives / EAGE. – Режим доступу: http://www.earthdoc.org/publication/publicationdetails/?publication=84557.
- Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Yuschenko M., Methods and Tools of Big Data Analysis for Terroristic Behavior Study and Threat Identification: Illegal Armed Groups during the Conflict in Donbas Region (East Ukraine) in Period 2014-2015 // in: Threat Mitigation and Detection of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism Activities ed. by M. E. Korstanje, IGI Global, USA, 2016, ISBN:9781522519386, pp. 52-66 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1938-6.ch003
- Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Movchan Dmytro, Artemenko I., Kopachevsky I., Stochastic Approach to Uncertainty Control in Multiphysics Systems: Modeling of Carbon Balance and Analysis of GHG Emissions Using Satellite Tools // in: Mathematical Concepts and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, ed. by Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim, IGI Global, USA, 2016, pp. 350-378, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1639-2.ch017
- Kostyuchenko Yu., Movchan D., Kopachevsky I., Yuschenko, M. Geo-ethical dimension of community’s safety: rural and urban population vulnerability analysis methodology // Proc. of EGU General Assembly-2016, Vol. 18, EGU2016-12629, Geophysical Research, 2016.
- Kopachevsky Ivan, Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Stoyka Otto Land Use Drivers of Population Dynamics in Tasks of Security Management and Risk Assessment // International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences 18 June 2016, Vol. 1: 18-24
- Masiuk S.V. Estimation of radiation risk in presence of classical additive and Berkson multiplicative errors in exposure doses / S.V. Masiuk, S.V. Shklyar, A.G. Kukush, R.J. Carroll, L.N. Kovgan, I.A. Likhtarov // Biostatistics, 2016.– Vol.17.– No.3.– P.422-436.
- Sergey A. Stankevich, Nikolay N. Kharytonov, Tamara V. Dudar and Anna A. Kozlova Risk Assessment of Land Degradation Using Satellite Imagery and Geospatial Modelling in Ukraine, Land Degradation and Desertification - a Global Crisis, Prof. Abiud Kaswamila (Ed.), InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/land-degradation-and-desertification-a-global-crisis/risk-assessment-of-land-degradation-using-satellite-imagery-and-geospatial-modelling-in-ukraine, 2016.
- Stankevich S.A., Kharytonov N.N., Dudar T.V., Kozlova A.A. Remote risk assessment of land degradation using satellite imagery and geospatial modeling in Ukraine // Land Degradation and Desertification / Ed. by A. Kaswamila.- Rijeka: InTech, 2016.- P.53-77.
- Stankevich Sergey A., Piestova Iryna A., Podorvan Victor N. Deep Learning Concept for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification // Central European Researchers Journal, Vol.2 Issue 1, Page(s): 30 – 36.
- Stankevich S.A., Piestova I.A., Podorvan V.N. Deep learning concept for hyperspectral imagery classification // Central European Researchers Journal, 2016.- Vol.2.- No.1.- P.30-36.
- Stankevich S. A., Shklyar S. V., Podorvan V. N., Lubskyi N. S. Thermal infrared imagery informativity enhancement using sub-pixel co-registration. Publication Year: 2016. – 245-248.
- Stankevich S., Titarenko O., Svideniuk M., Kharytonov M., Benselhoub A., Khlopova V. Air pollution mapping with nitrogen and sulfur dioxides in the South-Eastern part of Ukraine using satellite data // Mining Science, 2016.- Vol.23.- P.23-31.
- Shklyar S.V. Equivariant adjusted least squares estimator in two-line fitting model / S.V. Shklyar // Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, 2016.– Vol.3.– No.1.– P.19-45.
- Olga Titarenko, Mykola Kharytonov, Christin Moschner, Valentina M. Khlopova. Air born soil pollution assessment and mitigation in the south of Ukraine // Geophysical Research. Vol. 18, EGU2016-633, 2016
- Горный В.И., Лялько В.И., Крицук С.Г., Латыпов И.Ш., Тронин А.А., Филиппович В.Е., Станкевич С.А., Бровкина О.В., Киселев А.В., Давидан Т.А., Лубский Н.С., Крылова А.Б. Прогноз тепловой реакции городской среды Санкт-Петербурга и Киева на изменение климата (по материалам съемок спутниками EOS и LANDSAT) // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса, 2016. – Т. 13. – № 2. – С. 176–191. ISSN 2070-7401.
- Попов М. А., Альперт С. И., Подорван В. Н. Метод классификации космических изображений с использованием подхода Демстера-Шейфера // Исследование Земли из космоса, 2016. – № 5. – с. 26-37.