Зміст статті

Наукові статті, надруковані у закордонних виданнях:

  1. Azimov O.T. Satellite monitoring technology for the pyrological conditions of forest areas // The International Emergency Management Society Newsletter – Special Ed., Is. 5, April 2017, pp. 25–29.
  2. Кhyzhniak Аnna V. Аpplication of the remote sensing in environmental management as the interdisciplinary approach (Кhyzhniak Аnna V., Тomchenko Оlha V., Porushkevych Аnatolii Yu.) // Central European researchers journal. – Zilina. – Slovakia, 2017 – volume 3. – issue 1. – p. 34-42.
  3. Kostyuchenko Yuriy V. On the Methodology of Satellite Data Utilization in Multi-Modeling Approach for Socio-Ecological Risks Assessment Tasks: A Problem Formulation // International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1–8, 2018, ISSN: 2455-7749
  4. Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Movchan D., Artemenko I., Kopachevsky I. Stochastic Approach to Uncertainty Control in Multiphysics Systems: Modeling of Carbon Balance and Analysis of GHG Emissions Using Satellite Tools // in: Mathematical Concepts and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, ed. by Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim, IGI Global, USA, 2017, pp. 350-378, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1639-2.ch017
  5. Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Movchan D., Kopachevsky I., Yuschenko M. Approach to multi-disaster vulnerability analysis based on risk perception model // Prace i Studia Geograficzne, v.61:4, Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, 2016, pp. 63-84, ISSN 0208-4589
  6. Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Sztoyka Yu., Kopachevsky I., Artemenko I., Yuschenko M. Multisensor satellite data for water quality analysis and water pollution risk assessment: decision making under deep uncertainty with fuzzy algorithm in framework of multimodel approach // SPIE Remote Sensing conference papers, Paper 10421-5
  7. Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Stoyka Yu., Negoda Iu., Kopachevsky I. Decision making under deep uncertainty with fuzzy algorithm in framework of multi-model approach: Water pollution risk assessment using satellite data // In: “Soft Computing Techniques and Applications in Mechanical Engineering”, IGI Global, USA, – pp 1-34.
  8. Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Yuschenko M., Movchan D., Kopachevsky I. Analysis of economic values of land use and land cover changes in crisis territories by satellite data: models of socio-economy and population dynamics in war // SPIE Remote Sensing conference papers, Paper 10428-11
  9. Kostyuchenko Yuriy V., Yuschenko M. Toward Approaches to Big Data Analysis for Terroristic Behavior Identification // International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT) 7(1), 2017, pp.1-12, DOI: 10.4018/IJCWT.2017010101
  10. Mishura Y. Maximum likelihood drift estimation for Gaussian process with stationary increments / Y. Mishura, K. Ralchenko, S. Shklyar // Austrian Journal of Statistics, 2017.– Vol.46.– No.3-4.– P.67-78.– https://doi.org/10.17713/ajs.v46i3-4.672
  11. Masiuk S. Radiation Risk Estimation / S. Masiuk, A. Kukush, S. Shklyar, M. Chepurny, I. Likhtarov // De Gruyter Series in Mathematics and Life Sciences.– Vol.5.– Berlin: de Gruyter, 2017.– https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/460747
  12. Tovstyuk Z. М., Yefimenko Т. А., Titarenko О.V., Svideniuk М. О. Remote Sensing Neotectonic Research on Oil and Gas Perspective Structures on the Example of the Dnieper-Donets basin // Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (A), Physics of Solid Earth, v 19A, 2016, pp. 75-83.
  13. Stankevich S.A. Geological emergency assessment using satellite radar interferometry: Krivoy Rog urban area case study / S.A. Stankevich, I.A. Piestova, O.V. Titarenko // TIEMS Newsletter Special Edition, 2017. – №5. – P.21-24.
  14. Горный В. И. Теплофизические свойства поверхности городской среды (по результатам спутниковых съемок Санкт-Петербурга и Киева) / В. И. Горный, С. Г. Крицук, И. Ш. Латыпов, А. А. Тронин, А. В. Киселев, О. В. Бровкина, В. Е. Филиппович, С. А. Станкевич, М. С. Лубский // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. – 2017. Т. 14. № 3. С. 51-66.
  15. Станкевич С.А. Оценка накопления, пространственного распределения и перемещения диоксидов азота и серы в атмосфере бассейна реки Дебед по материалам дистанционного зондирования Земли и возможные риски для здоровья населения / С.А. Станкевич, М.А. Налбандян, Д.М. Андреасян, О.В. Титаренко // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. – 2017. – Т.14. – № 2. – С.240-249.